Faculty/Staff Fellowship Opportunities

Looking for Christian Community and Scholarship?

  • Imagine feeling sense of community with other faculty and staff across campus who are also Christians.

  • What if you could explicitly talk about your field in context of your Christian faith?

  • Ever wanted to compare notes with other believers on how your faith could shape your classroom pedagogy?

At the Bradley Study Center, part of our vision is to forge a Christian learning community at Virginia Tech. Faculty and staff are key part of that.

Perhaps more significantly, the Bradley Study Center owes its existence to faculty and staff who prayed for years for the Virginia Tech community.


Faculty Prayer & Monthly Lunches

Every Wednesday, we gather in 209 Norris Hall at 12:30-1:15pm.

Most Wednesdays, we gather to pray for each other, for the Virginia Tech campus, and the community.

On the third Wednesday of each month, we have lunch – sometimes a social time, sometimes with a guest speaker.

Upcoming Faculty Events

Intro to the Bradley Study Center

June 5 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Hear From Faculty

“Sharing our experiences and understanding not only strengthened my walk, but also encouraged me to continue as an example of Christ’s character in the academic setting.”

– Erik Westman, Mining & Minerals Engineering

“It useful to hear how others think about their experiences of being a Christian faculty, how that translates into their work.”

– Diana Thornton, Chemistry

“As a younger faculty, I appreciated hearing the voices of more seasoned faculty, and how they have approached their calling in academia as a Christian.”

– Matt Kuester, Aerospace Engineering

“I was grateful for the opportunity to meet Christian faculty in other departments/colleges. It was encouraging to hear how they communicate their Christian identity to their students, and interesting to learn how they navigate the growing cultural pressure Christians face on campus.”

– Paul Carlier, Chemistry

“It is extremely helpful to know that we as Christian faculty are not alone on campus. At a large University like Virginia Tech, it is not easy to identify other faculty who share similar Christian values and beliefs. I particularly enjoyed discussions that centered on how we live out our vocations as faculty and as Christians simultaneously.”

– Bryan Katz, Civil Engineering

“Getting to have frank discussions with university leaders from a broad variety of backgrounds and disciplines, combined with meeting regularly with other Christian faculty, really helped me to solidify how to live out my Christian faith as a professor.”

– Jonathan Boreyko, Mechanical Engineering