
Find a project that’s right for you!

  • When you think about student ministry, what revs your engine or fills your sails?
  • What strengths do you have that hold hands with the Bradley Study Center’s mission?
  • Is your small group interested in supporting what we’re doing on campus?

Below are just some of the ongoing ways to get involved!
Many of these projects are great for individuals and groups alike.

Volunteer PS2200


Whether you’re looking to volunteer once a week or once a year, we’ll match your interests, talents, and abilities with the Bradley Study Center’s mission and current needs. We recommend volunteering on a regular basis, even if it is infrequently — e.g. making cookies for student Fellows meetings once per semester. This helps our staff anticipate coverage and make the most of available resources.

Become a Volunteer

Complete the volunteer registration form below to let us know you’re interested. You can also send an email to our Operations Manager, Brittany Lattner, at [email protected] or give her a call at 540-315-7212.