The Bradley Study Center is located downtown within walking distance of campus! Come in for a cozy and quiet place to study, to meet with a friend, or to engage in a discussion group.

We want to support students and faculty as they explore the intellectual riches of the Christian tradition and its connection to the pursuit of knowledge, truth, and calling. Come by for some coffee and conversation!


Monday, 9am – 8pm
Tuesday, 9am – 5pm
Wednesday, 9am – 5pm
Thursday, 9am – 5pm
Friday, 9am – 3pm

Location: 104 Faculty Street (right behind PKs)

The building is open daily during the academic term for offering hospitality – a place to study, connect with others, and pray.  And to do our part in the midst of COVID, we are practicing social distancing and requiring all visitors to wear masks while in the building.  Thank you!